Cleveland Urban Art

February 20, 2017 § 2 Comments

"The Kid"

“The Kid”

I love exploring the various areas and neighborhoods of Cleveland.  By now, it should be apparent to anybody who has followed my blogs, that I have an on-going love affair with my city.  There are so many people who have this mis-conception that Cleveland is hell, but for most Clevelanders, we know that there is so much to be proud of (o.k. we’re working on the Brown’s thing).  I especially love the art, whether we’re talking about the world renowned Cleveland Museum of Art, or the various murals you’ll find throughout the city.  I have a personal love for the work by the anonymous graffiti artists who share there work in dark alleys, under bridges, and on the walls of old buildings, which have seen better days.  Here’s a small sample of “Cleveland Urban Art”.  Hope you enjoy it!





"Girls Just Wanta' Have Fun"

“Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”

"The Wall"

“The Wall”

Thanks for looking.

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